Lead Toy Adapter Certification

Do you want to teach others to adapt toys at our workshop? Become certified as a lead toy adapter!

We are launching our lead toy adapter certification program in an effort to train more people how to adapt toys. Once lead toy adapter certified, you can help lead our bimonthly workshops and participate in our Yellow Toy Club. This is a great way to develop leadership and technical skills!

2 lead toy adapters holding their sucessful adapted toys, one drum and one dancing duck.

What do I need to do to become certified?

In order to become certified, you will need to attend a safety training and two regular toy adaptation events.

Lead Toy Adapter Safety Orientation: 30-minute virtual workshop to go over the basics of toy adaptation and proper safety protocols. Sign up for the training here!

Regular Toy Adaptation Event: Demonstrate proficiency in leading others through the toy adaptation process at a regular toy adaptation workshop. Please indicate on the sign-up form that you are interested in this event counting towards your certification. Events are held 1-2 times per month.

Please note: the lead toy adapter safety orientation needs to be completed before you can lead others at a regular toy adaptation event!

Who can get certified?

Anyone within the HuskyADAPT community can get certified to be a lead toy adapter!

Why should I get certified?

  1. Only those that are certified will be eligible to help lead future toy adaptation workshops. We have put this policy in place to ensure that new adapters have the best experience possible at our workshops and stay safe during workshops!

  2. Having certified lead toy adapters really helps ensure the sustainability of our workshops and makes it possible to continue hosting workshops with community partners.

  3. You can join our yellow toy club where we adapt toys that were not correctly adapted the first time.

  4. We recognize certification as a leadership position within our organization – aka you can add it to your resume!